Donna M. Gray, Massage & Bodywork
Services and Rates


world massage festival



Integrative Massage
90 minutes $110
Each treatment is customized to the individual needs of each client. Integrative massage uses a mind-body-spirit approach to wellness.  My extensive training includes my full-hearted presence as your massage therapist and integrating the beautiful long, slow strokes of Esalen® Massage from Big Sur, California, Swedish Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Reflexology, Myofascial Release, Thai Bodywork and range of motion.   Your massage will leave you feeling balanced and deeply relaxed by integrating these gentle and restorative modalities from my heart and hands.
DMG Signature Integrative Massage
75 minutes $85
This is my favorite length massage to give and my regular clients will tell you it is their favorite to receive!  This integrative massage includes all of the modalities that YOU need to benefit the most from your massage.  75 minutes allows me to perform deep work on your “trouble spots” for 15 minutes yet bring you back to a relaxed state by providing the long relaxing strokes of Esalen® massage.  This 75 minute Signature Massage allows time for your massage to be both therapeutic for your body yet lets your parasympathetic systems reset.  It will give your mind & body a sense of relief and renewal.*Trigger point therapy focuses on the release of tension around specific nerve centers found throughout your body. It is great for relieving tight and overused muscles.
Warm River Stone Massage
60 minutes $95 Smooth basalt river stones are heated and then the massage is performed with oil. The warm stones are used as an extension of the therapist’s hands. The combination of the silky glide along with the therapeutic effects of heat, allow your muscles to relax more deeply Warm River Stone massage induces a deep relaxation and provides a unique experience many find to be tremendously calming and centering.

Add-Ons to Massage & Bodywork Treatments

15 minute $25 or 30 minute $45
Reflexology is a technique that focuses on specific pressure points within your feet to help correct energy flows throughout your body.
Dry Body Brush
10 minute add on to any massage for $10
Dry body brushing stimulates the lymphatic and increases the circulatory system with the added benefits of exfoliating your skin to prepare it to absorb moisturizing body products.
Investing in massage is an investment in your health
Craniosacral $75.00 / 60 minutes
Hot Stone Therapy$95.00 / 60 minutes
Integrative Massage$85.00 / 75 minutes
Integrative Massage$110.00 / 90 minutes
Reflexology$25.00 / 15 minutes
Reflexology$45.00 / 30 minutes
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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